Horizon Academy - Language School in IstanbulExam Preparations

Exam Preparations

Horizon Academy exam preparation courses run through the year. All courses are of fixed length. If you are not sure whether your English level is high enough, please contact us so that we can arrange a test for you. If your level is a little too low, your can join a General English course of Horizon Academy to improve your level before you start your exam course.

On the first day, you are given a comprehensive test to identify your exact level. You are then placed in a class of students at your level, all preparing for the same examination. For some Cambridge exams, there may be several "micro-levels", each at a slightly different level from the others, and ranging from "C" to "A" grade expectations. 

Your course will build your confidence and accuracy in all forms of the language. You will receive extensive training in examination techniques, and sit one mock examination on most courses on the core programme. Your speaking abilities will be personally assessed by senior members of the teaching staff on most courses.

Horizon Academy is an authorized open exam centre for Cambridge English Assessment.


    KET        PET       FCE       TKT       BULATS

Exam Preparation Courses that we provide;

    IELTS       TOEFL       SAT       ACT      YÖS
